
You’ll notice I’m being quiet. I just don’t have all that much to say at the moment. So when I think of something to say I try to get it blogged as soon as possible, even if it’s pretty inconsequential.

Incidentally, I tried using the Norwegian version on “inconsequential” in a conversation yesterday, in order to describe something in the software as “not very important”. Unfortunately, “inkonsekvent” is not a synonym to “unimportant”, but to “inconsistent”. Which didn’t sound quite as reassuring to the customer, for some reason… I had fun trying to explain that I’d been thinking in English.

Apparently, Margareth Thatcher once said that any person over the age of thirty who found themselves using buses was a failure in life (via Vaughan). Nice. Well, I never agreed much with Maggie on anything, so why am I surprised? (Actually, I’m surprised at the sheer idiocy of the comment, the blithe overlooking of the possibility that some people might chose buses over other modes of transport – like cars, planes or taxis – from reasons other than lack of funds. But then you might have to use the e-word, of course. “Environment”, that is.)

I know there was something else I meant to say, but it’s slipped my mind again. I might get back to you.

Voice in my head: Van Morrison – Have I told You lately that I Love You