No Friday Five, so here’s yesterday’s Thursday Three instead:
1. What would be your ideal job?
Well, Ive got this idea that I want to run a combined pub (of the kind that serves real ale & cider and has an excellent malt whisky selection, naturally) and second-hand bookshop in some relatively small town in Scotland (or Wales, or England, whatever). And I’d do free-lance or hobby-based web design and such on the side, of course. I think I’d like that.
2. What job are you most likely to get?
Well, how about the one I have at the moment? I got that, didn’t I?
3. What job would be your idea of hell?
Job-wise, you mean? Anything too repetitive or where I’d have to deal with people constantly would be bad. As I’m reminded every time I have to take a call at work, I couldn’t do telephone support full-time. And telephone sales would probably have me ready to jump off a cliff in a week (if I lasted that long).