I seem to have outlawed elections. I think this must have happened when I agreed that everything would probably work better if everyone simply went with what I decided. Incidentally, that was after the economy ‘imploded’. (Jennifer Government Nation States game)
UN Category: Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
Civil Rights: Superb
Economy: Imploded
Political Freedoms: Below AverageThe Queendom of Dragonium Major is a very large, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its devotion to social welfare. Its compassionate population of 112 million enjoy extensive civil rights and enjoy a level social equality free of the usual accompanying government corruption.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, the Environment, and Education. The average income tax rate is 88%, and even higher for the wealthy. The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising fourteen-year-old boys selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out.
The nation has opened its arms to an influx of refugees, all industry is owned and run by the government, gambling is outlawed, and elections have been outlawed. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare.