
You know how I feel about guys in kilt, right? (If you don’t, “Delish” pretty much sums it up.) Well, how do you think I’d feel about a boyfriend in kilt? Pretty damn delighted, that’s what.

I used to be somewhat ambivalent on the subject of “Do you need to be a Scot to wear a kilt?” but I find that the prospect of seeing Martin in one has pushed me firmly over to the “Who the heck cares?” camp.

Voice in my head: some guy singing “Just a gigolo” for some reason known only to himself

Addendum: two hours later and the gigolo guy has been joined by Shakira singing Underneath Your Clothes, which makes for a very odd and disjointed sort of duet, I assure you.

8 thoughts to “Mmmm”

  1. For the next whisky occation wear a clan-ribbon-thingy over ballgown. This means I’m to wear my weddingdress again huhh?
    (some prtti bad spling at midnajt)

  2. When you’re right you’re right. Ballgown for Burns – check. Clan-ribbony-thingy – uhm, I’m sure I can get hold of one. Or whip one up.

    Don’t you think perhaps you ought to do something about the colour of your dress if you’re to wear it as a regular ballgown? Come to think of it, the material in the skirt probably wouldn’t take colour – but the rest would and what with that liquid silver effect over it something like dark blue would probably look really cool. Mind you, it looks really cool “white” so in a way it would be a pity to colour it. More wearable, though. Don’t mind me, just thinking out loud.

    Hm. D’you reckon I should actually finish my ballgown before wearing it again? I seem to remember there were some bits I left off due to lack of time…

  3. Right. Think I’ll have a look for some in Scotland when we’re there, it seems a bit silly to pay more for the postage than for the actual ribbon…

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