I have decided to merge the hobbyblog with the “main” blog. Considering how often (or, more accurately, how infrequently) I post to either, having them as two separate entities seems rather pointless. The crafty entries are hereby imported, and I will be adding to them here from now on. This also means I’ll probably be writing about craft mostly in English from now on. I’ll leave the previous entries in Norwegian, though – please ask if there is anything you’d like to know about them that you can’t figure out from the pictures.
Now, what am I working on right now? Well, various bits and pieces. The one main thing I really need to get going with is the digiscrap pages for the 2008 photo book. Having set a precedent last year with a photo book for Christmas for the grandparents and great grandparents, everyone is obviously expecting a sequel, and I have made – ahem – two pages so far. Yes. Two. Single pages, too, not two-page spreads. Last year I spent pretty much every evening in November in front of the computer speed-scrapping. This year, well, it looks like a repeat… Good thing I work well under pressure. Well, that’s what I say at interviews, anyway. I suspect a more truthful statement would be that I only work under pressure. However, let’s not go into that.

A work in progress, with a picture, no less – though not pictures of any actual work, as I forgot all about taking pictures once I got going – is the first block of the BOM (block of the month) quilt called Leanne’s House. The designer blogs at, you guessed it, Leanne’s House. I’m receiving my packages from Buttonberry, hence they are responsible for the choice of fabric. I will, however, be buying some supplementary quarters, as the quilt will only be 55″ x 55″ once done according to the pattern, and I will want to extend it a bit. Quite how I haven’t yet decided, I might repeat a few blocks – with variations, or I might make a stripey part at the top or bottom. In any case I wouldn’t want to bring in wholly new fabrics at that stage, so I need to start mixing them in as I go.
Btw: I am SO doing a Butterfly Garden in black and white with orange butterflies. Just look at it!