This is wonderful. And read the comments, too…
I know a little bit more… Being quite viley I managed to sneak a peek at a plan for the weekend (well, actually, someone had accidentally left a copy on the table in the room where I just had a meeting). It starts with “cycling to the cabin” which is estimated to last one and a half hours. Crikey. Anyway, the rest didn’t sound so bad. There was something about putting up a huge tent (presumably for the guys to sleep in) and a barbeque. And something about drinks. We like that.
I’ll just have to remember to bring a book.
– I’m not. It therefore worries me a bit that the only instructions we’ve had about this weekend’s company outing (or “kick-off”, as the in-word is at the moment) is to bring sleeping bags, bath things and warm clothes and to pack in a backpack. The guys have also to bring something to sleep on, but we girls don’t, for which I’m relieved. Still, this sounds a lot like we’re about to encounter some nature and such. Which is all very well, but I’m not entirely sure that I’m really cut out for this sort of thing. One of the “urban” tv-channels ran an ad last year which said “Happy Easter. You don’t need a map and compass, if you get lost you call for a cab.” Now, that’s me. I know (or at least I used to know) how to work a map and compass, but I’d much rather not, really.
And the forecast is for rain. Just great.
Anyway, I suppose it give me an excuse to go shopping, as I really don’t own a pair of shoes suitable for a walk in the woods (or a walk anywhere that isn’t tarmacked, really). I’ve been thinking about getting a pair of hiking boots for a while, and I suppose this might be the right moment to follow up on that thought.
I’ll keep you posted.
Although I’m late, apparently, the Random List…:
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Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving. Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.
I guess.
There’s a new Jasper Fforde out!
(Dearest, I know I’m not supposed to be spending any money due to the kitchen and all, but you do realise there is no way I am coming home this evening without a copy – or, failing that, having searched all of Oslo for a copy
– don’t you?)
Category IV – The
You have a small, highly edited social group, and
you like it that way.
What Type of Social Entity are You?
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That is certainly accurate enough.