
Tricky Friday Five this week:

1. Using one adjective, describe your current living space.

2. Using two adjectives, describe your current employer.
Fair. Challenging.

3. Using three adjectives, describe your favorite hobby/pasttime.
Relaxing. Exciting. Educational.

4. Using four adjectives, describe your typical day.
Stressful. Fun. Companionable. Meaningful.

5. Using five adjectives, describe your ideal life.
Less stressful. Fun. Companionable. Meaningful. Exciting.

Or something of the sort.

April’s child

Well, I’m game:

APRIL: Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving. Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.

Well. Hm. Those three are really the only ones I would definitely cross out. Some of the others are a bit, well, dubious.

(Via Donna)

No end in sight

Well, I think this is pretty accurate. The part about being only half-there most of the time certainly is.

You are mRNA. You’re brilliant, full of important,
interesting information and you’re a great
friend to the people you care about. You may
have sides to you that no one understands. But
while you understand more than most people,
you’re only half-there most of the time.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

(Via Melissa)

MM 3.44

A very late Monday Mission, this being last week’s.

1. This week the Episcopal Church USA installed the Rev. V. Gene Robinson as a bishop of New Hampshire. (…) What do you think of the church consecrating an openly gay person as Bishop? (…)
I think it’s great that he’s been installed. I think that you’re misinterpreting the Bible if you believe it says homosexuality is wrong.

2. Have you ever supported an opposing viewpoint with someone just to “push their buttons?” Ever been in a situation where you really didn’t care for one side or the other, but just found it fun to watch someone get all worked up in an argument?
Oh yes. Especially if I can tell that the person in question has not really though the issue through before making up their mind or if I think their reasoning or their knowledge of the facts relating to the issue is flawed. I enjoy discussions.

3. If you had to pick one, on which of the “Reality” shows do you think you’d do well?
Any where a knowledge of normally useless facts would be useful might not be so bad – such as some varieties of Robinson and the Norwegian “Farmen” – as far as I can tell, anyway. Having watched as little of any of them as possible, it’s a bit difficult to pick. The only ones where I know the actual concept of the show properly are the Idol/Fame Academy/Popstars variety, and I’d obviuosly do terribly due to the fact that I can’t really sing.

4. Have you, or anyone you know, ever tried any “alternative” healing practices or “all natural” medication? How did it work out?
I’ve got a friend who’s tried various “alternative” medicines, but I don’t think she was really convinced by the results.

5. If you could write your own prescriptions, what is the first thing you would get?
I try to avoid taking any drugs beyond the necessary minimum (if I’m not too tired to “fight” I will endure headaches as long as possible before taking painkillers, even), so why would I want to write my own prescriptions? Unless I could write prescriptions that would give me free physiotherapy or chiropractic treatments. I would like that.

6. Are you getting a Flu shot this year? Do you ever get them? Have you ever had to endure a round of the full-blown Flu virus?
I wasn’t planning to, never have before. I’ve had the flu proper twice in recent years, once in the middle of summer (June, I believe) and once because I was stupid enough to lie on a floor painting for hours with the windows wide open in -20 in February. I somehow doubt that an autumn flu shot would have helped prevent any of those.

7. On television commercials, when men get sick they are portrayed like big whiny babies. Based on your personal experience, do you think this is an accurate depiction?
Not really. The men in my acquaintance are no more whiny than the women. Or, to be more accurate, I know some whiny babies of the male persuasion, but I also know some whiny babies of the female persuasion, I therefore think the state has little to do with gender and much to do with individual character traits. It also seems to depend on the people around the sick person, as no one can be bothered to spend their time whining unless there is someone there to listen and sympathise.

Now there’s a surprise

I am 92.5% British, just like
HRH Prince Charles
Though you’ll never be king you certainly know where your castle is.

Take the Brit Quiz at

Quiz written by Daz

And further, I am:


Rationals, are the problem solving temperament, particularly if the problem has to do with the many complex systems that make up the world around us. Rationals might tackle problems in organic systems such as plants and animals, or in mechanical systems such as railroads and computers, or in social systems such as families and companies and governments. But whatever systems fire their curiosity, Rationals will analyze them to understand how they work, so they can figure out how to make them work better.

Rationals are very scarce, comprising as little as 5 to 7 percent of the population. But because of their drive to unlock the secrets of nature, and to develop new technologies, they have done much to shape our world.

The Four types of Rationals are:

Architects (INTP) | Masterminds (INTJ) | Inventors (ENTP) | Field Marshals (ENTJ)

According to the Keirsey temperament sorter.

I also found another description of the INTP type as well as the INTJ type, and I think I’ve figured out why I came out as INTP all of a sudden – this description focuses a lot on the organisational capabilities of INTJs and I consistently claimed to be unorganised in the other test. I am not, however, really that disorganised, I can be obsessively organised in some ways, but the questions were mostly phrased as if they related to the environment around me, and anyone who’s seen my desk or flat know that they are not organised at all – or at least do not appear to be so (I mostly know where things are, but due to the “mess” if I lose track of where something is it really is lost). I think I will go back and do the test again, interpreting the questions about organisation in a less spatial way and see if that really makes a difference…

A few minutes later, and yes, it did…

Introverted (I) 60% Extroverted (E) 40%
Intuitive (N) 54.05% Sensing (S) 45.95%
Thinking (T) 66.67% Feeling (F) 33.33%
Judging (J) 51.43% Perceiving (P) 48.57%

INTJ – “Mastermind”. Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.

Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

I’m obviously borderline, then – which the percentages suggest anyway.

Glad to have that cleared up.


Nå fikk jeg av en eller annen merkelig grunn noe aldeles innihampen lyst til å lese dikt. Hvor kom den impulsen fra, mon tro? Her sitter jeg på jobb og venter på at fredag skal bli til helg og prøver å gjøre noe fornuftig de siste 10-20-30 minuttene og lurer på om det blir noe fredagspils i dag i det hele tatt. Og så plutselig får jeg poesi-craving deluxe. Det er dikt å finne her, selvsagt, men det jeg har lyst på er dikt jeg ikke har lest før. Fortrinnsvis gode dikt jeg ikke har lest før.

Hvor finner man sånt på en fredags ettermiddag mellom jobb og juleølfestival?

Mmm, hungry now

Friday Five, and no more Halloweeny stuff.

1. What food do you like that most people hate?
Well, “most people” I don’t know about, but most people in Norway squirm at the thought of Haggis, which is delish. I also like eating cartilage, especially off chicken, which is regarded as somewhat weird, apparently.

2. What food do you hate that most people love?
Fresh tomatoes. Believe me, you really don’t want to make me eat fresh tomatoes.

3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you?
Celine Dion (creepy!) and Enrique Iglesias (über creepy!).

4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find attractive?
Uhm. Difficult one (the opposite is much easier, as I don’t find all that many famous people attractive in the first place). Gerard Depardieu hardly counts, does he, because though few of them can explain why, most women seem to find him attractive.

5. What popular trend baffles you?
What popular trend does not baffle me? (Blogging?) Ok, you want a list? Sms-language, short tops which leaves your stomach bare (c-c-c-cold), piercing, sagging, dressing small girls up in “sexy” clothing – in fact, most fashion trends, current and outdated, baflle me – “Sex in the City” and the ethics that go with it, artificial/robotic pets of all kinds… I’m sure I could go on for a while but I guess I had better get to work instead.