As advertised

This is a public services announcement:

Robin will be 30 on April 10th this year. While she does not consider this a tragedy in any way (hey, birthdays are fun!), turning 30 can still be reckoned as something of a big deal. You are therefore strongly encouraged to regale her with gifts. To make things easier for you – anything from the following list would be a sure hit:

a Nokia 7210i (or other Nokia mobile phone with camera) I, uh, bought one…
– stuff from the amazon wish list
– good chocolate
real champagne
– Ardbeg Uigedail (or other good whisky – 1974 editions especially)
– Canon EOS 300D (pretty please with sugar on)
– one of these (or just a regular thumb drive of at least 64Mb)
– a DKU-5 (Nokia’s name) cable for connecting the mobile to a computer
– a 200×220 cm duvet-cover in non-nausea-inducing colours and designs
– 12″x12″ papers suitable for scrapbooking (and other scrapbooking thingamagigs)
– “Ta meg til havet” med Hanne Krogh and all the records Ballade (w/Lars Klevstrand, Lillebjørn Nilsen, Bjørn Grimstad and Åse Kleveland) made, especially “Ekstranummer” on CD (if they’re even available, I don’t actually know, used or new, I don’t care)
– USB mouse suitable for carrying around along with the laptop, i.e. either a cordless one or one where the cord is retractable, and prefereably one that’s not too bulky

We will now return to our regular programming.

Last edited 2 April

Friday, at last

When was the last time you…

1. …went to the doctor?
Last Thursday.

2. …went to the dentist?
Just before Christmas.

3. …filled your gas tank?
Uh, never, don’t have a gas tank.

4. …got enough sleep?
This weekend, I guess, at least I got up quite voluntarily on Sunday.

5. …backed up your computer?
Completely? It’s been a while. Well, for my home computer. The one at work is automatically backed up. I do make sure I have a backup of the important files, though.

This seems to make it rather official


(Other names blurred in case my (our!) neighbours are less than delighted at having their names plastered all over the internet.) Now, if only those #%?&?&#% people would actually deliver the bed when they said they would this time… (It was supposed to arrive last week, but didn’t).

Voices in my head: Matchbox 20 – Unwell

I’m a genius, me, I am

Your score for The Seven Intelligence Areas

Linguistic: 9
Logical-Mathematical: 7
Spatial: 10
Bodily-Kinesthetic: 8
Musical: 8
Interpersonal: 6
Intrapersonal: 7

A Short Definition of your Highest Score
Spatial – the ability to perceive and represent the visual-spatial world accurately, to arrange color, line, shape, form and space to meet the needs of others, to interpret and graphically represent visual or spatial ideas, to transform visual or spatial ideas into imaginative and expressive creations. Possible vocations that use spatial intelligence include illustrator, artist, guide, photographer, interior decorator, painter, clothing designer, weaver, builder, architect, art critic, inventor, or cinematographer.

Further explanation of the categories.

(via Melissa)

Old stuff

I’ve been doing a lot of clearing out lately (throwing stuff away, yay, long overdue…), and keep coming across odd things I dind’t even remember that I had. Like my old swatch. I’ve just gone on a search on the net and found out the design is called Radar. It is hideous, but I think I might have rather liked it back in the dark ages (no, I didn’t chose the design myself, I got it for my birthday one year – at a guess 1986…)

Now, if someone is willing to pay 46.22 Euros for it in mint condition, boxed, how much would it make on eBay in worn condition, I wonder? Not anywhere near as much, but it has got to be worth a try, surely?

Voices in my head: Shania Twain and whasisface – From This Moment

One more cup of coffee ‘fore I go

You're a Cappuccino.
You’re a Cappuccino!

What Kind of Coffee are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

(Cappucinno? WTF?) And I don’t even drink cappuccinos. I think I’ve had ten or so of them altogether in my life, and considering I drink 4-10 cups of coffee a day, that’s not a lot. I normally drink variations on “black”, current favourite of the fancy variety being Café de Stiil’s “Bessie Smith” (double espresso topped up with black coffee…).

But the description is nice, and fits me to a tee, obviously ;)

Voice in my head: Bob Dylan – One more cup… (and I don’t mind if I do, thanks)