Cough, cough

Back at work after three days off sick, and all I really want to do is crawl back home and collapse on the couch for another four days or so. I have contracted a very stubborn cold – started Saturday with a sore throat and sort of developed from there into flu symptoms (aching joints especially) and then into a “common cold” sort of thing (plenty of action in the snot-producing area and a very tickly throat). Cough.

The doctor gave me a prescription for cough medicine. Unfortunately it tastes vile and does not seem to have any effect (assuming its intended effect was to stop my coughing).

And the weather’s foul, too.

Take one spoonful…

This is almost spookily accurate for being based on the name “Robin”:

How to make a robin

5 parts competetiveness

5 parts self-sufficiency

1 part instinct
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of wisdom and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Unfortunately the spookiness abates when I test with other usernames I currently go by in various places. (Via.)

Stream of consciousness

I talk to myself a lot. Quite frequently out loud, though I try to avoid that if there are other people about, it can lead to misunderstandings…

Even when I’m not talking out loud, I tend to keep up a sort of conversation with myself – sometimes it’s more of a monologue, but quite often it’s a definite conversation – and it’s pretty much always complete sentences. You could record my thoughts and play them back and they’d be as understandable as most of my conversations (which might not be saying much, come to think of it). However, as with thoughts said out loud – to an audience or to the thin air – there is always an undercurrent of half-thoughts and such. Although my “conscious” thought is a flow of reasonably well formulated sentences, I rarely, if ever, think of only one thing at a time. This leads to funny moments (well, funny to me, no one else is aware of what’s going on in my head, after all – at least I hope not) – as I get exactly the same sort of effects in my “stream of consciousness” as I do in sentences said out loud whenever other – half-conscious – thoughts distract me from the topic at hand. In other words, I get half finished sentences and “slips of the tounge” in my thoughts. I find myself “saying” to myself “That’s not what I meant to think” quite as frequently as I have to tell people “That’s not what I meant to say”.

This sort of thing amuses me. No, I’m probably not quite sane.

Voice in my head (apart from my own, as outlined above): Michael Wiehe – Hemmet

Heavenly bodies

So I saw Venus passing the sun. I felt it to be my duty, somehow, since I’m probably not going to have another chance to observe this fenomenon. I failed to get wildly excited about it, but what can you do?

In other natural fenomena news: Yesterday evening we had a hailstorm. With hailstones of between two and three centimetres in diameter. Now THIS did excite me. Quite happy I didn’t have to be outside in it, though.

And, oh yeah: RIP Ronald Reagan. I’d have said “about time”, only that would be rather rude. However, I will link to 66 (unflattering) things about Ronald Reagan (via). Enjoy.

How are you doing?

Since it’s Friday I’m being sent these links…

100 things to do before you die

19 is unfair – I mean, it’s not as if I’ve ever tried to avoid growing a beard. 45 is out for obvious reasons (anyone come up with a good alternative?). And I think that on the whole, not having done 53 and 80 yet it would be better if I never did.

20, though, seems like a pretty good idea. And 87 has to be the perfect way to celebrate once the kitchen actually gets done…

I’m up to 33/100, by the way.