I have been buying dvds like mad lately. In fact, I have been doing a bit of retail therapy, buying stuff in general like mad. Except clothing, which is the only thing I really need. I need sandals and new shoes for wearing to work and some more clothes, especially tops, suitable for work, but the choice in the shops at the moment is dire. I can hardly find a single item I want at full price, let alone on sale (and I object to buying clothes at full price on principle).
I need to go shopping in a sensible manner this weekend. At least I can get to IKEA and get some shelving for the hallway so that I can get the shoes that I already have sorted out. My hallway is tiny, so the “a pile on the floor” solution I have at the moment tends to block at best one door, at worst three. Not very practical. I have been wondering what to do about it as most of the shelving units meant for keeping shoes on are A. expensive, B. take about 3 pairs only, and C. are dead ugly. Luckily, I visited Linda a week or two ago and discovered that she has niftily installed a 226cm Ivar section in her hallway to keep shoes on. It’s brilliant. It keeps lots of shoes. It can also keep hats and mittens and scarves and such. And, best of all, whenever I move and get a hallway where there is actually proper room for storage, I can move the Ivar section into the (hopefully larger) living room and get even more room for books, as that is the shelving system I have there already (at the moment I also have Ivar in the kitchen, it is so flexible it is perfect for temporary solutions as well as permanent ones. And it packs flat. Lovely. Effusive, what do you mean, effusive?).
I could also do with a computer, but somehow it does not seem like such a brilliant idea to go impulse shopping for computers. I need to do some planning… I need a reasonably large hard-disk and some power, enough for speedy web and for dealing with several programmes open at once. As Tetris is the only game I really enjoy, I don’t need brilliant sound and 3d rendering and all that stuff, really, though if I want to take digital photography seriously at some point, I suppose I could do with a good graphics card. Anyone have any suggestions for what I should really be looking for? I don’t want to spend a fortune. Answers on a postcard, please…
Hurrah! Time for lunch!
Music in my head: Waterloo (Abba)